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Embrace Life with Greater Independence in Vision.
Introducing the ClearView 3 Multifocal intraocular lens implant for the treatment and correction of cataracts and presbyopia

You Can Now See Better After Cataract Surgery

The ClearView 3 Multifocal lens could help you live your life with a clear view once again.

Patient results and data in U.S. clinical trials demonstrate high levels of vision across the full visual range for distance, intermediate and near, allowing the majority of patients to complete daily tasks with freedom from glasses.

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ClearView 3 Multifocal Lens

life-changing Results

Patients See Near, Intermediate and Far with the ClearView 3 Multifocal


What Our Patients Say

"After a consultation with my ophthalmologist I decided to have ClearView implanted and I'm now completely spectacle free.

Working for a private ophthalmic clinic, whose aim is often to reduce dependency on spectacles, I can now use my personal experience to talk to patients with even more confidence about the lens and the procedure."

- Rosemary Adkins, Age 59, Ophthalmic Clinic Manager

"I am delighted with my vision. My colors are vivid and absolutely wonderful. There is no comparison between now and before. I can do my work with no trouble, life is easy. Distance vision allows me to drive, see the television and I can read and thread a needle."

- Mitra Harris, Age 71, Retired Patient Liason

"I can thread a needle now, where as I couldn't before. All the colors are now so much more vibrant. My vision is sharper and I can see further in the distance. My distance vision is much more well defined than before. I now live in a sparkly world."

- Ann Cattell, Age 65, Retired

"I have been conducting clinical research on intraocular lenses (IOLs) for 25+ years. When Lenstec began the FDA study of the ClearView 3 Multifocal IOL, I thought the novel design (no concentric rings) could potentially make this a very special lens. In later phases of the study, I began to develop cataracts but after seeing the amazing study results, I delayed cataract surgery until the ClearView 3 received FDA approval. Now 6 months postoperative, I continue to be ecstatic with the results. My distance, intermediate and near vision is 20/20 or better, and I have no visual disturbances! It has truly been life changing for me!"

Blake Harris, Age 59, Director of Clinical research

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Why Choose

ClearView 3 Multifocal?

  • Designed for improved night driving
  • See at all distances without glasses
  • Ideal for an active lifestyle

Corrective measures for cataracts include removing the natural lens from the eye and positioning a high-tech intraocular lens (IOL) in its place.

Similar to your glasses, the ClearView 3 is the only Multifocal lens available in quarter diopter increments. All other multifocal lens implants are only available in half diopter steps. With more incremental lens power options available, the ClearView gives your surgeon the ability to custom design your vision

Professional, high specification cameras and lenses use bi-aspheric lens optics to allow wider peripheral vision, visual range and depth of focus to create the clearest of images. This very same technology is used in the lens optic of the ClearView 3 Multifocal IOL.

Get started today!

Frustrated with Your Vision?

Do you find yourself...
...compromising your lifestyle due to your poor eyesight?
...hampered by blurred vision or losing contrast?
...wanting a full range of high-quality vision?
...wanting to be less dependent on eyeglasses?
...feeling tired of wearing contacts or eyeglasses?

Improve Your Lifestyle and Get Started Today!

Designed for Reduced Nighttime Halos and Glare

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Use our Surgeon Finder to locate a qualified ClearView 3 cataract surgeon near you.

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